What does 2WW mean

Any women who is actively TCC, knows what 2WW means.  For those who don’t, it is our 2 week wait.  The 2 weeks after ovulation where we must wait to test to see if our work paid off that month.  Don’t we all wish it was that simple.  Just waiting doesn’t seem bad.  People might even tell you to just not think about it (I’d like to kick those people in the shins).

Truth is, 2WW is a form of torture.  It’s a way for us to start acting like we have lost our minds.  It’s 2 weeks of symptom spotting.  Whats that pain, maybe it implantation!  I feel nauseous, could it be morning sickness?!  My back is sore, maybe I am!  It’s a time when anything and everything can and will be counted as a symptom.  We even start taking pregnancy test way to early knowing it will show negative but it some how calms our anxiety for a brief moment because just maybe it will finally show those 2 pretty little lines.

I am currently in my 2WW after my first monitored cycle.  I feel more hopeful towards this month than I have in the 2 yrs I’ve been TTCing.  I am so excited to be in the 2WW and I have not yet started symptom spotting but I’m sure it will come like it has every other month.

I want so badly to be that PCOS success story.  I want to share my story to women who are just starting this journey and be able to tell them It’s possible.  It may not be an easy road but it is a road worth taking.


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